Practicing What We Preach


The Unscented Company

Helping redefine the notion of clean by offering exclusively unscented all natural products coupled with eco-friendly packaging. All while allowing customers the ability to refill their bottles either at home or in-store. A significant reduction of our collective plastic footprint. We’ve also partnered with Saponetti who offer a zero-waste pickup and delivery service.


by BuzziSpace

The BuzziFelt is perfect for dampening sounds in office spaces as well as in home environments without losing sight of the tactile factor and design quotient. The eco felt or BuzziFelt consists of 100% upcycled plastic bottle waste.


Kohler Touchless Faucet and Soap Dispenser

Automatic taps contribute to a more sustainable world in two main ways:

Water conservation:

Water conservation: Electronic taps are usually designed with a low flow rate, an aerator in the spout and system or materials that prevent leakage. For instance, while traditional basin taps pour between 10 and 15 litres per minute, sensor taps would not use more than 6 litres. Bear in mind that a dripping tap can waste between 300 ml and 1 litre per hour.

Energy saving in the long term:

Each sensor tap requires 6, 9 or 12 volts, depending on the brand. This expense is unavoidable, whether hardwired or battery operated. Nonetheless, e-taps can make a difference during activation. Selecting the preferred flow and temperature every time a traditional faucet is activated wastes energy, among other things.


The Original Reusable Paper Towels:

• Machine washable up to 300 times
• 1 towel = up to 15 rolls of paper towels
• 100% biodegradable in 12 weeks in active microbial soil


The Keep Cup: An Office Necessity

KeepCups mission is to encourage the use of reusable cups. They do this by delivering sustainably made products that are fit for purpose in the context of a positive global campaign that strives to make a difference to how we think about convenience culture.



Boardroom Doors

Salvaged from an early school renovation, these doors have travelled to Paul Dowsett’s home, our previous office, and now finally resting in our current office – after being relocated twice. Did we mention they’re still going strong?


Reclaimed Boardroom Table

When renovating our office, we didn't want to simply throw away the old for sake of the new. We kept our existing boardroom table and legs and asked a past client (and talented carpenter) Jacob King to build us a custom top to sit on our old table so that it could be reused in the future if necessary. The perimeter of the table is built from reclaimed walnut off-cuts from his shop to reduce waste to landfill.


Bike Storage

Not only does cycling improve one’s mental health but also uses minimal fossil fuels and is a pollution-free mode of transport. Bikes reduce the need to build, service and dispose of cars as well.


Electric Vehicle
Charging Station

The newest Sustainable family member consists of a 2018 Volkswagen eGolf. Although electric vehicles are still a rare sight in North America, we installed this charging station in our parking lot in hopes that the future comes sooner than expected.


Laneway Suites in Toronto: An Overview


Canadian and Leading the way in Sustainability