How to be sustainable at home

There's lots of ways we can make more sustainable switches at home, and it all adds up. To point you in the right direction, here, CEO Jason Smith shares 10 top tips for living more sustainably...

1. Switch to a green energy provider

"One of the simplest and quickest ways to make a difference to the way you live is to switch to a green energy provider. All of the electricity you use through a 100% renewable tariff is effectively zero carbon.

2. Switch off!

"Leaving the TV on standby should be a thing of the past. It wastes needless energy and really increases your bills. It's simple: if it's not being used, switch it off! The same applies to lights, heating and any appliance.

"Having a smart meter in the house, in clear view, is also a clever way to track which electricity sources using the most energy. Noting this down can be an easy way to reduce consumption and your bills."


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